
Terms & conditions

Terms of use

Croatia Yachting d.o.o. is  trading as Yacht Supply Split and hereafter is  listed as such. You can be a private user of Yacht Supply Split website without any charges and according to  the terms and conditions listed below.

By using this site you are accepting the terms and conditions  under which the products and or services are offered, therefore we strongly advise you to read them  carefully.


These shopping conditions define the procedure of purchase orders, payments, shipments, deliveries  and returns (claims) of products offered on our website www.yachtsupplysplit.com.

The provider and supplier of offered products is Croatia Yachting d.o.o. trading as Yacht Supply Split, based in Jesenice, Ante Starčevića 14, MB: 00970735, OIB: 34058089258.

All users of our website, hereinafter reffered to as customers, must be 18 years of age or older.

All prices are expressed in Croatian national currency, Croatian kuna (HRK)


Orders can be placed via Internet or phone at least 48 hours prior to delivery time.

For orders that are needed in less than 48 hours, please contact our office (Croatia Yachting d.o.o.) via email or by phone. Internet orders are made directly on our web site:  web:  www.yachtsupplysplit.com. or phone: +385 (0) 91 252 0030.

Orders are processed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7). To place an order you are required to select the product and  move it to your shopping cart by clicking  on Add. Special requests can be made through the Order Notes or directly on mail. All orders are considered to be final and validated after finishing the online shopping process. The customer will recieve his order confirmation via email with all neccessary details of the order such as: products, quantity, price, cost of delivery, time and place of delivery. It is important to check  all the ordering details to avoid potential errors. Yacht Supply Split undertakes to deliver all the ordered items that are in stock at the time of delivery. In case items are not available at the time of ordering Yacht Supply Split customer service representative will contact the customer via email or by phone for possible product  substitutions  or cancellation  of that specific product  was  ordered. The customer has  the right  to  accept the offered substitution or to cancel that specific product.


Delivery times  are based on stock availability of ordered items. All  availabe products will be delivered within 48 hours of order validation or sooner but exceptions  can be made such as; specifically requested delivery dates  or times by the customer.

Each  product  is  appropriately and hygienically packaged to avoid  damages and spoilage due to  transport. The customer is required to check expiration dates of products at time of delivery and immediately  inform the  delivery driver about  possible problems. If the  delivered  products are damaged the customer has the right to only refuse delivery of those specific items. Subsequent complaints shall not  be acknowledged.

All merchandise is shipped every day using our own delivery vehicles. Delivery cost depends on the value of products ordered. Price includes procurement of ordered products, packaging and delivery to the location of choice.

Shipping cost is 200 kn for an invoice amount less than 500 kn.

For an invoice amount larger than 500 kn shipping is free.


The customer can choose the following payment options:

Payment made in full via our web site https://yachtsupplysplit.com/ using credit cards or Internet  banking.
When paying by credit card, the customer's account will be charged in the equivalent amount  in  croatian currency (kn), calculated by the exchange rate of Croatian National Bank, therefore there is a possibility for a minimum exchange rate difference wich will be charged to the customer's account.

Payment of the full amount in cash upon delivery
If both types of payment do not suit you, contact our customer service to find the most appropriate type of payment for you. Our customer service can be reached via email poljane.prom@gmail.com or phone +385 91 788 2241.

The cost of shipping (for all orders valued at less than 750 kn) is added to the product cost according to the price list published on our Internet shop pages.


Any and all cancellations must be received at least 12 hours prior to agreed time of delivery, but with no refund of advance payment.

The customer has the right to return the order in cases - the delivered products are damaged due to transport or due to expired date of use only if these are made mention at the time of delivery directly to the delivery driver.

Authorized returns are recieved in writting at Yacht Supply Split company adress: Croatia Yachting d.o.o., Ante Starčevića 14,  21  314  Jesenice,  by phone +385  (0) 91  252  0030  or via  email  poljane.prom@gmail.com. 

At the time of delivery the customer is required to check  validity of the order, to compare the order with  recieved  items and immediately inform the delivery driver about  possible  problems. Subsequent complaints shall not be acknowledged. The delivery driver will make a report on returns or claims and the customer is required to sign it. Yacht Supply Split will reship  damaged or expired products ASAP or otherwise will issue a refund to the customer on these items in question.


Approximate price is  an estimate of the total order value for the  product  we are going  to  deliver. The invoice amount may in some cases deviate from the one shown in the online store catalouge. The final invoice can be distinguished by the purchasing price, because the purchase is performing on  the day of the delivery. Approximate prices refer to weighted products too, such as cheese, salami, fruit  and vegetables, wich are charged according to weight  and not to piece. For example,the price shown for particular cheese may be for the weight of 100 g, and the customer shall be provided with  the selected product that can vary by weight.Weight deviations are minimal, wich means a few grams  more or less, but the price will be calculated by the correct weight of delivered product. This refers to  substitute products too, due to the price of ordered product at the time of processing customer orders. When delivery takes place the customer is entitled to return any and all products if the calculated price is  higher than the price shown when ordering. The customer shall reuturn the products to delivery  driver, and the refund is made afterwards.

CorvusPay Terms of Use

Card payments By using the CorvusPay system, the Smartica Service can be paid by using the following debit/credit cards:
· Visa, MasterCard, Diners and Maestro; one-time payments

After the successful authorization, the user will receive, via e-mail, a confirmation of the successful authorization.

Statement on security of online payments
When making payments in the Smartica application, you use CorvusPay – an advanced system for the secure acceptance of payment cards via the Internet. CorvusPay ensures the total secrecy of your card data from the moment when you enter them in the CorvusPay payment form. The payment data are forwarded encrypted from the application to the bank that issued the card. Smartica never comes into contact with the complete data on your payment card. Also, the data are even unavailable to the employees of CorvusPay. An isolated core independently transfers and manages sensitive data, keeping them completely secure. The form for entering the payment data is secured by an SSL transport code of the maximum reliability. All stored data are additionally protected with encryption, and the use of an encrypted device certified in accordance with the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay complies with all requirements regarding the security of on-line payments prescribed by the leading card brands, and operates in accordance with the standard - PCI DSS Level 1- the maximum security standard of the payment card industry. When making payments using a card that is a part of the 3-D Secure program, your bank will verify, in addition to verifying the validity of the card itself, your identity via a token or password. Corvus info d.o.o. considers all information collected to be bank secrets and treats them accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they are intended. Sensitive data of the users are completely secure, and their privacy is guaranteed with the most contemporary protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the transaction are collected in accordance with prescribed required on-line payment procedures. Security checks and operating procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure immediate reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition to this, by maintaining a strict access control, by regularly monitoring the security and via in-depth checks for preventing vulnerabilities of the network and a planned implementation of the provisions on computer security, the security level of the system is permanently maintained and improved

Statement on the protection and collection of personal data and their use Yacht Supply Split - Croatia Yachting d.o.o. is obliged to protect the personal data of the users so that it will collect only the necessary basic data on the purchasers/users that are required for the fulfillment of our obligations; it informs the purchasers on the way it uses the collected data, regularly provides purchasers with the option to select how their data is used, including the option to decide whether they want to be removed from lists used for marketing campaigns. All data on users are kept strictly confidential and available only to the employees who require such data to perform their duties. All employees of Yacht Supply Split – Croatia Yachting d.o.o. and its business partners are responsible for complying with the principle of privacy protection.
These Terms of Use shall apply from 01 March 2021.



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